Ceroc at St Chad’s, Leeds (05/12/22)

Last week two dancers went down south to be trained to be teachers. So far they have passed their beginner course training. Tonight saw one of the two new beginners teachers teaching. It was the turn of Chris Smith. He was teaching with Jess Farrar as his demo. Chris did a fantastic job for the first time. He was so good that you could not tell it was his first time. The format of the beginner’s class tonight was a little different. Towards the end of the class, it is usually all three moves that are linked together and then done to music before linking the last move to the first one. However tonight the linking of all the moves and the last one to the first one was done in one go which threw me. Well done Chris on a great class and on coping so well with the noise of the class.

The intermediate class was taught by the regular teacher James Richardson and his demo Jess Farrar. I struggled to follow this routine as the class was so noisy this week. I felt like James was shouting at one point. The routine was lovely. The moves worked well together.

Tonight’s class was well attended. About 50+. The standard of dancing did feel more like beginners and intermediate. As for music, there were some technical issues with this being the first night with a new set of speakers. The sound did not sound like it should. James sounded too tinnie when teaching and the tunes were not as they should be. I felt there was too much base.

Overall I was not feeling it tonight. I found it hard with the noise from the class and the speakers being set incorrectly. I do wear hearing aids and they pick up every sound. It is like you have blocked your ears with microphones and the sound only gets through via the microphones. Hopefully, the issues will be fixed next time. I did like the intermediate class as the moves worked well together. Again well done to Chris on his first time teaching. He will be teaching every week from now until he goes for his intermediate course and then I'm not sure where he will be teaching.

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