Ceroc at Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster (06/12/22)

Last week two dancers went down south to be trained to be teachers. So far they have passed their beginner course training. Tonight saw one of the two new beginners teachers teaching. It was the turn of Ben Gartland. He was teaching with his wife Gill Gartland as his demo. You could tell it was his first time teaching. You could also tell he was nervous. This class was taught well however I thought it lacked connection with the class and was more just reading a script. I know as a new teacher that is what you have to do. I felt he should have watched what was happening and decided which top tips are worth giving rather than giving them all. I noticed that the class was evenly paired so the lady off the back had to run to the beginning which was not good. It also did not help that Ben did not wait for the lady from the end to come to the beginning before continuing to teach. He should have waited. I know this is his first time teaching and the little things that I am used to with the regular teacher Jo will iron themselves out. Well done Ben on your first teach.

The intermediate class was taught by the regular teacher Jo and her demo was her husband Joe. The routine was lovely. I loved the last move as it felt like a bit of a challenge. Most of the dancers got the routine. I love seeing dancers progress and this routine allowed dancers to progress.

Tonight's class was well attended. As usual, the beginners' class is when the dancers arrive. The class starts off half full but by the end the room is full. The standard of dancers ranges from beginners to advance. I had some good dances.

The music was good. Jo DJs as well as teaches. Yet again it was another week full of different tunes than last week. Some are the same as they are popular but different enough to feel like you’ve had some different music and not the same tunes week in and week out. I enjoyed the tunes.

Overall it was a good night. I had lots of good dances. Was nice to see someone else teaching. Being his first time I am looking forward to seeing how the teaching progresses. He will be teaching every week from now until he goes for his intermediate course and then I'm not sure where he will be teaching. This venue is always good and I can always guarantee a good night.

Follow me @lizzie_mcandrew
