Ukrainian club, Manchester freestyle (27/11/22)

Tonight was the turn of another venue afar. This time it was the turn of the Ukrainian club in Manchester. This venue is about an hour away and is run by Ceroc Addiction. I have been for freestyle many years ago so I knew what to expect. I went because a friend of mine said she was going. Unfortunately, she couldn’t make it at the last minute. The car that she was going in did still go so there were three of my other friends there. I felt ok about attending the venue as I knew some people who were going and because I’d been before. As it had been a few years I was unsure if the dancing would be just as good. My friends were not there when I turned up but someone else I knew from my area was so I sat with her. My friends did arrive as well as another one. This made for a better night as I had the opportunity to have a bit of a chat when not dancing.

The venue itself was good. Nice room with an ok dancefloor. The dancefloor did require some magic powder as it was too grippy. The dancefloor was in the middle of the room with carpet around the outside. The carpet area was big enough for all the tables and chairs. This event is normally a two-room freestyle but tonight the other room was being used for a birthday party.

The music was very mixed. It was a mixture of blues and slower tracks, as well as older, more classic tunes, and modern tunes. The DJ did have a habit of fading one tune out at the end and the start of the next one. This was not so good as some dancers could not end the dance with a dip or lean. I am into more modern tunes which I thought there was a lack of. Not many tunes that made me want to get up and dance.

The dance standard was ok. Most dancers were of the same standard as my regular venues. I had a handful of dances besides my friends that were of a great standard. Those people I would dance with again. Having been at another venue the night before and that being fantastic I felt this was a little bit of a letdown. This is because I am not judging this venue based on the night alone but comparing it to the previous night. I need to go again to be able to give my full opinion as I did feel that a few of the regular dancers were missing. One guy who regularly dances there did say that there were a lot of people in attendance that he did not recognise. What great dances I got made it worth the trip.

Overall not a bad night. I think I need to go again to decide whether or not this venue becomes a regular one. I need to go again to be able to judge the venue on its own and when the second room is on. I think that would make a difference in the standard of dancers that attend. Would I go again? Yes, but I would not be rushing to go again. 
Follow me on Instagram @lizzie_mcandrew
