Tapton Hall Freestyle (27/11/22)

As there are no local freestyles this weekend I decided to make the trip to Tapton Hall in Sheffield and what a freestyle it was. This event is run by Ceroc South Yorks. The venue itself is lovely. You go in a there are multiple rooms of which Ceroc South Yorks occupies one. Once you reach the room the ceiling is decorated with string lights and paper round lampshades like the ones from Ikea. As for the dancefloor itself, it was a dancefloor you would find in a church hall or community centre. Not a professional one but still good. I had no issues dancing on it.

I had gone because three of my friends had raved about it. I was supposed to go with two of them but they could not make it in the end. My other friend who had raved about was there. As for the night, it was well worth going. I had a fantastic time. I was nervous going as I did not know what to expect as I had never been. I thought I was going to be there on my own which made me even more nervous. When I arrived I was instantly put at ease. Those 3 who ran the night plus the DJ did a fantastic job. I apologise now but I can not remember their names. Jen was on the door most of the night doing a fab job meeting and greeting the dancers as well as dancing with them later on. Her partner who I can not remember his name did a fab job going around and dancing with nearly everyone and what a fab dancer he is. I was lucky to get three dances with him. When I arrived and put my dancing shoes on I did spot a guy who normally goes to my local freestyles which were nice. That instantly made me feel like I had made the right decision to come. When my friend came with her parents who are also dancers that made my night. All three came and sat with me.

The DJ did a fantastic job of playing music that kept the dancefloor full. Out of all the venues I have been to, this for me was the best so far for music. Mainly playing modern music. Most of the songs were from I think the last 15 years. He did play some older tunes but not that many. I kept getting up because I loved the songs being played. This helped me to ask dancers to dance. Some I had seen and danced with at Southport dance weekender. Others were strangers with very few from my local venues.

The standard of dancing was so good. Much better than my usual venues which is why I would go back. The average must have been intermediate plus with a number of them being advanced. I had some great dances. Was so worth going just for the dancing.

Overall I had an amazing time. The venue is nice the DJ for me was great and the dancers even better. Would I go again? Yes. I still have one venue left to try that is about an hour away so I can not say if this one would be a regular event for me. I work in retail and have to get up early for work. With this being about an hour away I am yet to say if I would go and then get up for work the following day. If that was the only event on that weekend then yes I would and I would make the effort to leave at 11 pm. I would go if I’m not working the next day. As for faraway places, this is the best one so far. With one left to attend I will give my full verdict once I have been there.

My final faraway event is the Manchester freestyle at the Ukrainian club. About an hour's drive for me. I can not wait for it and this event is on 26/11/22. I have been here before and the last time was about 5 years ago for the Northern Champs before they moved the venue. As for freestyle, it must be 8 or 9 years and I had a fantastic time.

Follow me on Instagram @lizzie_mcandrew
