Kerry B freestyle at Riley Smith Hall (18/11/22)

Tonight, was a fantastic night at the lovely Riley Smith Hall in Tadcaster. This venue is a great venue. The floor is a lovely sprung floor. The venue is a ballroom venue where lots of dancing events happen including this one, the regular Kerry B Modern Jive freestyle. Kerry B tends to run her freestyles on the second Friday of the month and when the months have a fifth Friday. The fifth Friday of the month usually has a theme.

Tonight, saw over 100 people attend. The average age of the dancers tonight must have been around 65 if not older. The floor and the atmosphere were buzzing. The music was fabulous. This is one of my regular local freestyles and what a night. I arrived at 8 pm and it was already half full. As the night went on it just got busier and busier. On a Kerry B night, I make sure I arrive before 8:30 pm as the place does get busy and hard to find a seat to put my stuff on if I turn up later.

I have been going to Kerry B's freestyles for several years and I have noticed these nights at Tadcaster to be the best for her. Everyone is friendly but I have noticed the odd few get picky about seats as they are either for themselves or saved for a friend. The whole that’s my seat thing. If the person has learnt to dance through Ceroc I find that they don’t mind sharing a seat if needed but from somewhere else it can get a bit that's my seat.

On the dancefloor everyone is friendly. With so many, the dance standard varies usually from intermediate minus to intermediate plus. Occasionally I find dancers that are of advanced standard. Tonight the ratio of men to women was really good. Not many spare women. I was asked a lot as well as asking quite a few too. One of my best nights for being asked. The music tonight was a better mix of the older tunes and the modern tunes. I am not keen on some of the older tunes as they are mainly from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. I know a lot that will do though. I love my modern tracks or those with breaks in the music as I feel that gives more depth to the dancing. The floor was full to nearly every track.

By 10:30 pm the floor started to very slowly empty. When I left around 11:30 pm there were still a good number of people left. Enough to make the floor look full but have a good amount of space to dance. More people were still dancing when I left than normal. It is usually looking a bit thin. I think it is that some just don’t have the stamina to stay up as late or due to it being a Friday have been up early for work and may need to get a good night’s sleep in. Who knows.

Overall, it was a good night. I had gone because I knew a few that were going and I know that Kerry B nights are popular and the venue is good. I don’t tend to go for the music as I know it can be a bit hit-and-miss with me. I do appreciate those who love the older tunes and the fact that you guarantee that it will be a fantastic night. 

These Kerry B freestyles are run regularly which is good as that draws more people to the events. Her next event is the Christmas freestyle on Friday 16th December 2023 and includes supper. That should be a good do. I find Christmas freestyles are one of the busier ones no matter who runs them as it is Christmas and either people are getting their fill of dancing before the Christmas break or just like getting dressed up in all their sparkles for a good Christmas party.
Follow me on Instagram @lizzie_mcandrew


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