Ceroc Class Updates 2022

I haven’t posted in many years, 2016 to be precise, but I have decided to take it up again. I will be blogging about classes and freestyles that I attend and tell you my option and whether or not you should have attended. Today I am kicking off with all the latest information for Ceroc Yorkshire starting with their latest class information and then the last freestyle of 2022. I also have the date for the first one of 2023.

So Ceroc Yorkshire currently runs two classes. Firstly both classes are run at the timing of doors opening at 7:30 pm. The beginner’s class is at 7:45 pm and lasts 45 minutes. It is then followed by a freestyle session. The intermediate class is at 9 pm for those who are intermediates or the beginner's recap class for the beginners. These classes run for 30 minutes. There is then freestyle till the end which is 10:30 pm. You do not have to stay till the end but it is recommended if you are a beginner to at least stay for the recap class and maybe a few dances afterwards to practice. Both classes usually have Lisa Hoang on the door to take your money and you can pay in both cash or card. When Lisa is not on the door you will find either Chris Smith or the franchisee owner Jeff Claydon.

The first class is on Monday at St Chad’s Parish Centre on Otley Road in Headingly, Leeds. This venue is known as Ceroc St Chad’s. The regular teacher/DJ is James Richardson and his demo is usually Jessica Farrar. James has a stand-in demo when Jess is on holiday or not well and that is me, Elizabeth McAndrew. This night has a mix of people who attend. Mix being gender and standard of dancers. Some weeks there are more men than women and some more women than men. You tend to find that the class has a bigger beginner’s class than the intermediate class as most beginners tend to start at this venue and then move on to another one or just do not take to Ceroc. Currently, Ceroc Yorkshire is trying to improve this to make the class into a great intermediate venue. Those who partake in the intermediate class are either intermediate minus or intermediate standard. There are a small few who are of intermediate plus standard or advanced standard. The downside to this venue is you do have to spend some of the night dancing with those who are beginner dancers or intermediate minus dancers. I do not mind as it helps the dancer to become a better dancer. This night is averaging 40 dancers. Ceroc is trying to improve this.

The second and final class of the week is run on a Tuesday at Riley Smith Hall on Westgate in Tadcaster. This venue is known as Ceroc Tadcaster. This venue is very special as there is a sprung dancefloor. The venue itself host a range of dance classes and events with Ceroc being one of them. This is a ballroom venue which is why there is a sprung floor. The regular teacher/DJ here is Jo Hart and her demo is usually Mark Stott. Jo has stand-in demos Chris Smith or her husband who is also Joe Hart. This night usually has more women than men attend. The standard of dancers ranges from beginners to advance. At the moment there is a steady income of beginners that do progress to intermediate dancers and beyond. It is also the most popular night of the two. The night regularly gets 80+ dancers and fills the room. These nights are perfect for anyone of any ability as there are always dancers that will help you improve, even if you are advanced.

Ceroc also runs a monthly freestyle. The freestyles are only run on a Friday. Next year the freestyles vary from which Friday of the month they run on. Ceroc Yorkshire freestyles are run at Riley Smith Hall on Westgate in Tadcaster. A freestyle is a night of pure dancing and is run from 8 pm till midnight. You can come and leave at any time. Freestyles are usually better than attending a class because you have up to 4 hours to dance and get to dance with some dancers that do not attend any of the classes that you go to. Gives you a chance to dance with dancers that can be amazing. I prefer the freestyles to the classes as I find the standard of dancers to be better but I also know that I would not improve without attending classes.

The next and last freestyle of the year for Ceroc Yorkshire is the masquerade ball on 9th December 2022. This freestyle is a two-room freestyle. This means that the man room downstairs will be playing all your Ceroc classic tunes and upstairs will be more of a chillout room. This will play your slower tunes, your blues, west coast swing and tango tunes. DJs are the lovely James Richardson in the main room and the bluesy Jo Hart in the chillout room. This is the best night of the year as this is a black-tie event where the men wear suits and the ladies wear fancy frocks. Well worth going to. You can pay on the door for this one. No need to buy a ticket in advance.

The first freestyle of 2023 is on 6th January 2023 and is called Number One. Number One because it is the first freestyle of the year. This time there is no dress code so come dressed for dancing. This is a one-room freestyle that will play all your Ceroc classic tunes with a pinch of slower tunes towards the end of the night. The DJ will be James Richardson and promises to be a good night.

As far as I know, the last classes of the year will be Monday 19th December 2022 and Tuesday 20th December 2022. As of yet, I am not too sure about the first classes of next year but I think it will likely be Monday the 2nd  or 9th of January and Tuesday the 3rd or 10th of January. Will update this post when I know the actual dates so keep an eye out for them.

Lastly, you can find Ceroc Yorkshire on Facebook at the following groups:

Ceroc St Chads is Ceroc St Chads Leeds

Ceroc Tadcaster is Ceroc Tadcaster

Ceroc Yorkshire is Ceroc Yorkshire.

You can follow me on Instagram @ lizzie_mcandrew
