Ceroc Champs 24/05/2014

This was not my first time competing but was my first time at the Ceroc Champs. I found this to be extremely fun. I really enjoyed watching the Great Escapee and the Aerials categories as they were interesting to watch. I competed in the Lucky Dip and Top Cat categories.

The day started as it does at every competition with the pairing of the partners for the lucky dip. I liked that before hand they had put a list up of men's numbers and which heat they will be in. This made it easier to partner people up. This bit was fun. Seeing who I was going to get and who I was missing out on having as my partner. I thought I was partnered up with the right person. By right I mean someone who can lead me well but doesn't make me feel like I’m being thrown around. I could also add my own style to it. They started with the first round of Lucky Dip. This seemed to go well.

They did some first rounds of the other categories which looked good. I soon realised that the standard of dancing was very high. One of the categories was called All Stars and was done in three different age groups. Under 25, 25 – 35 and 36+. I thought this category was unfair as at the other competitions I've been to there has been an intermediate and an advance category. This one was like the two combined and split into age groups. This would mean that those who are of an intermediate standard had no chance of winning.

The last in a group of the first rounds to do was the top cats. I liked the fact that we had already been put into heats and that was put up on the results board. This made it run smoothly. This category is about you as an individual dancer rather than as a couple. Each song you do you change your partner. At the competitions I've been to there has only been one song per round. For this category at the Ceroc Champs there was two songs per round. I thought that was good as you can't really judge an individual dancer on one song. The first guy I got to dance with was really good but I was thrown about doing what he wanted to do. I didn't get a chance to really hear the music. All I could do was find the beat and add some wiggle in. The second guy I got was easier to follow and I could add a lot more style and musicality.

It was then on to the second rounds of most of the categories. The only ones left to do the first round was Aerials and Double Trouble. They weren't even first rounds as they only consisted of two rounds.

I had made it through to the second round in both Lucky Dip and Top Cats. I thought I would of at least made it through round one of Lucky dip and was really surprised to make it to the second round of Top Cats.

Lucky dip I felt went all right. I did make it to the third round but unfortunately that was as far as I went. I really enjoyed doing this one and will be entering more Lucky Dip competitions. I wasn't hoping to win. I feel I've done well if I get passed the first round. The rest is a bonus.

With the second round of Top Cats I should have been in the second heat but was put into the last heat as the realised that there was either two many in each heat or time to do an extra one. This was not good for me as I got to watch nearly everyone go before me. The standard in the category was really high. Being in the second round was a extremely good achievement. Watching the others I felt I shouldn't have been there. This was as far as I went. I did have a really good time competing and would defiantly do the Top Cat category again. I got a chance to dance with lots of good dancers and I now consider myself a good dancer.

As for the rest of the day it consisted of some of the categories having a third round before a semi – final and a final. Two of my friends made it to the semi – final of Rocvets (over 45's) and another two made it to the final of All Stars 25 – 35.

I enjoyed watching the semis and the finals as I can now see the standard that I am trying to achieve some day. I am some way off from being that good. The category that really impressed me was the Aerials as some of the lifts looked really hard to do. 

The fun category was the final of the Great Escapee. The heats of this category are done at the Ceroc weekenders and the final is held here at the Ceroc Champs. The fun element is that the audience determines who wins that one. At the weekenders a set of three judges are chosen at random to chose three couple to dance again. The audience then chose a winner. The one that gets the loudest applause wins. The winners then compete at the champs. At the champs it was the same as the weekender except the competitors dressed up. They dressed up as superheroes. This category is purely for fun.

Overall I had a good day and will be coming back to compete in the future at the Ceroc Champs. The next time I will be competing will be at the very first Northern Champs which is held in Manchester on 21st June 2014. I will be competing for the first time with a fixed partner in the intermediate category.

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