Leeds Left Bank Freestyle 11/04/14

This is a new venue that Ceroc Yorkshire were trying out. This is the first one. I thought it was a good venue. Lots of room to dance. For those who didn't make it or couldn't come missed out on a good night.

Tonight we had people who had come some way to be here such as some from Manchester and some from Newcastle. It also got people who can only get to Leeds venues which is really good. I had a great time dancing with lots of different people especially those who I rarely get to dance with.

I found the venue to be a little bit cold to start with but once I got dancing it was ok. The floor itself was a bit on the hard side. Had no spring to it. This made my feet start to hurt by the end of the night. Parts of the floor had tiles which were a bit uneven for dancing. Next time temporary floor would be a good thing as it will keep the floor all the same and be a bit softer to dance on.

The music was really good thanks to Chris Uren and Jonathan Gammon. Most of my favourite songs were played which is always a bonus. I really liked some of the funky music.

I am looking forward to the next one here which is on 9th May 2014. The next Ceroc Yorkshire freestyle is on 25th April at Riley Smith Hall in Tadcaster.

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