Review of 2013

This year has been one of the best year for me so far in the way of dance. I have been able to do something new which I never thought would happen. I competed for the first time. Not only did I do it as me on my own in lucky dip and top cat but I competed in a team. I am hoping to do it again next year.

The year started out with lots of learning and taxi-ing. In February I went to Southport on the Ceroc Weekender which was really good. Check out Southport Weekender February 2013

I went to the Southport on the Ceroc Weekender in June which was amazing. I had so much fun. Check out Ceroc ‘Scorch’ Southport Weekender 14/06/13 – 17/06/13

The team started up in July. The team was a really good experience for me as I got to know some people better. I really enjoyed doing it. It was something that has made me a better dancer. It made me understand how others learn routines. My partner was really good and made the effort to learn the routine. Most people made the effort to learn it. It was so much fun and I would recommend to others to have a go. Two thing that we learnt from doing it is that we should have started it earlier so the training didn't get interrupted with people going on holiday. We also needed people to be a little more committed. People needed to know what they were getting themselves into. As this was the first year with doing it we were using this to learn how to put a team together and finding mistakes with it. Next time we will have learnt form this year and will be able to do a better routine.

The team competed at the Ceroc Welsh Champs in September and Ceroc Scottish Charity Champs in November. We didn't win at the Welsh Champs and we don't know where we came as we were only told of the team that won. We were however the only team that competed at the Scottish Champs so we won by default. I enjoyed doing it at the Scottish Champs than the Welsh Champs as the Welsh Champs was the first time we did it to an audience. By the time we got to the Scottish Champs we had done it twice to an audience. The second time was to the dancers at St Chads in Leeds.

During the time of learning the team routine I went to Southport for the last Ceroc Weekender for the year. This one was really good as I took my parents with me and I knew a lot more people from my local classes. Was a really good weekend. I would recommend to anyone to go to a weekender and don't let it put you of dancing. Your first time can be a little overwhelming so just take it in and enjoy. The second time you go you will know what you are experiencing.

I have been to some great freestyles this year and I went to my first one in Manchester in November. My favourite freestyle of the year was the white diamond one back in July. This one was really good as I made a dress especially to wear there with my auntie. Really enjoyed doing that. Some of the freestyles were less well attended than others but I still managed in some way to have a good time. I did for the first time end my night in the Blues / Tango / WCS room which was really good. Think I might be doing more of it in the future.

The year is ending on a high with the great Christmas classes and the Christmas Ball. I really enjoy doing these classes as they are fun classes. Everyone has a laugh. I am thinking of competing with a partner in the Intermediate Categories at some if not all of the Champs next year. There is 5 Champs next year that I could potentially compete at. Not sure yet if I will do them all. I will defiantly do the ones that the team is doing.

Next year I plan to document events that happen in my life more whether it's dancing or not. I cannot put videos of the teaching of the classes on here any more as we have been told not to put them on social media.

Whatever you do this Christmas and New Year have a good one and dancing commences in Yorkshire week beginning 6th January 2014.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you all.
