Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 09/09/13

I would like to start by apologising for not doing any posts last week. I've been really busy getting things together for the welsh champs. The Welsh Champs were really good. The team went well. I made it to the 4th round of the Lucky Dips and went out in the first round of the Top Cats category.

Tonight was a really good night. It saw James Richardson as teacher, Suzanne Berson as demo and Chris Uren as DJ.

Here is tonight’s routine:

It was a good routine. I liked the second move with the lock step and then the cross steps. The other two were not as good. I did this routine as a leader which I found interesting to do. I picked up all the moves easily.

I find when I go round the class being a follower that some of the men, (leaders), find some of the moves hard to do and therefore I have to lead it. I do try really hard not to but they keep giving me the opportunity to do so. I find the more complex the move the more chance of it never being done in freestyle or it being hard to lead in freestyle.

The one tip I picked up on when doing the mambo, lock step, cross steps, turn out is that when the men do the lock step part they need to give the ladies, (followers), a gentle nudge so that they make the cross step part of the lock step. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about this is the second move that was taught.

The other two moves are too complicated to really remember to do in freestyle and I will find it hard to lead them. The only way I will be able to do it is doing them with someone who knows what they are doing.

The night as a whole was really good. It was really busy. The music was really good. Chris played some tracks form the Welsh Champs. I had some great dances tonight. Overall I had a great night.

I am looking forward to Wednesday night at Queen’s Hall in Leeds, 8pm. 

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chads in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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