Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 26/08/13

I will like to start by apologising for not doing a post in two weeks. I’ve been busy doing team practice to write one. Will stick up the videos on the Facebook page if you want see what they were.

Tonight saw James Richardson as teacher, Suzanne Berson as demo and Chris Uren as DJ.

This was bank holiday Monday and we were open. With it being bank holiday we did not have as many people here as we normally do. I think the nice day and the fact it was bank holiday that put people off.

Tonight’s routine looked like this:

This was a very good routine. I found that on the yo-yo pull through that I had to lead the men (leads) to pull me through. I should have told them that they weren’t pulling me and made them pull me. James keeps saying when we learn the more challenging moves: ‘let the men (leads) lead’. It tends to be a natural thing with me to do the move as the teacher says rather than what I feel from the man (lead). All moves work well if the lady (follow) knows what the lead means and if the men (lead) can lead it.  

Tonight’s class was really good even though it was a bank holiday. The atmosphere was really good. Today was my birthday so I had to do the birthday dance. It was also Jenny Adams and Helen Morra’s birthday on Saturday so they also had to do the birthday dance. 

Here is some of it:

We also did the line dance again which is now getting on some people nerves. This was really good and I enjoyed it.

I am looking forward to Wednesday night at Queen’s Hall in Leeds, 8pm. 

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chads in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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