Ceroc at Queen’s Hall Intermediate Routine 17/07/13

Tonight saw Chris Baker as teacher, Jenny Adams as demo and hopefully not for one night only James Richardson as DJ.

Tonight was a really good night. Chris decided to do something different to the step back at the beginning of the beginners class. He got us to do some of the Ceroc Nu-Line dance. If you don't know you can find it on YouTube by typing in Ceroc Nu-Line or on Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 13/05/13 blog post. This worked as we only had two complete beginners but we found that the step back is important. I had so much fun even though it was really hot. It was my turn to taxi tonight so I didn't get a chance to do the intermediate routine. Here it is:

Thanks to Chris Smith for filming this. This looks like a good routine. I like the drop at the end. It looks really good.

Tonight’s beginners practice class was really good. There weren’t many of us which was good as it was so warm in that room. We were able to go over the beginner’s routine and do it to music which was good. I had lots of fun.

Tonight’s class as a whole was great and really hot. There was a really good atmosphere. The music was really good thanks to James. I like the fact that not all the songs were the clubbing music. I loved the funky tracks. This made for a different evening. Despite it being hot there were a lot of people left at the end of the night which was good. The other DJs defiantly have competition with James. Would be really nice if he could DJ again.

As I wasn't at the classes last week (8/07/13 – 14/07/13) I was able to get the videos of the intermediate routines thanks to Chris Smith and I will put them on my Facebook page. If you want to know what they were find Elizabeth’s Dancing Blog on Facebook.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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