Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 03/06/13

First off I would like to apologise for not doing any posts recently. I've been demoing so I haven’t had the chance to see how others found the routine.  Also haven’t been able to get or had sufficient video to upload.

Tonight saw Chris Baker as teacher, me aka Elizabeth McAndrew as demo and the lovely Jonathon Gammon as DJ. This week James Richardson and Chris Uren were away on holiday and from what I can tell James is having a good time. On the plus side we had 101 people there according to Chris Baker and we had 4 rows for the beginner’s class.

Here is the intermediate routine:

It was a straight forward routine. The last move is a good one if you get someone who likes to spin like me because you can get them to spin lots of times. The only problem I can see is when doing the second move with the lunge the lady (follow) might not know to lunge. The man (lead) needs to give a clear signal such as the thumb on the ladies left hand to let them know it’s a lunge.

The night as a whole was really good, in fact it was fantastic. It was a very warm night. I think this was the hottest and the busiest night so far.  I had some fantastic dances with some fantastic dancers.

The music was really good. Jonathon went for playing some songs that have not been played in a while and a bit old.  He also played some songs that are played every week. This was really good and I had so much fun dancing to them.

If you weren't there you missed out on a great night. As far as I know I think Chris Uren and James Richardson will be back next week.

I am looking forward to Wednesday night at Queen’s Hall in Leeds, 8pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chads in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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