Ceroc at Queen’s Hall Intermediate Routine 26/06/13

Tonight saw James Richardson as teacher, Jenny Adams as demo and Chris Baker as DJ. It was a really good night. I had lots of fun. I was taxi-ing tonight so I wasn’t able to the intermediate routine but it looks good.

Here’s the intermediate routine:

I heard from some people doing it that Chris was playing music that was a bit fast for doing a dip / drop. In my opinion dips and drops need music that can make it look good and that is not the fast music. The routine looks straight forward. There seems to be nothing complicated other than the seducer at the end. When doing dips and drops in class and in freestyle you must always ask the other person if they can do them. You must ask that person every single dance even though you know the answer will be yes.

I was taxi-ing the beginner’s practice class. This was really good. Including Elizabeth McAndrew (me) and my wonderful taxi partner Chris Smith there was an extra man. This worked out well because Chris could go round and point out to the men where they were going wrong on more of a one to one basis. This seemed to help the men out. As a group they didn’t have any questions on the moves but once they were doing on an individual basis we found that they had some questions on the moves.

Tonights class on a whole was really good. I had some great dances. There were a few more people here than last week. I don’t know if that was because it wasn’t on at St Chads this week. The music this week was good thanks to Chris. I enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun.

I'm looking forward to Monday at St Chads in Leeds. Starts at 7:30pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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