Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 13/05/13

First of I would like to apologise to the readers of the blog for not doing one on last Wednesday, Queens Hall. It was a good night but as I was demo I wasn't able to get a video of the intermediate routine. Secondly I would like to apologise for not doing this blog post sooner.

Tonight saw James Richardson as teacher, Suzanne Berson as demo and Chris Uren as DJ. It was really busy. I think people were put off coming last week because it was so hot and decided to come having missed a week.

Here’s tonights intermediate routine:

This routine was really good thanks to James. The men (leads) picked it up really well. When doing the first move don’t forget that you could be putting you hand across the lady’s (follow) neck so be gentile. The hard part will be doing the mambo and cross steps in freestyle you have to lead it well to make the lady’s (follow) do what you want.

Tonight was a really good night. It was really busy probably the busiest ever. I had so much fun. I got lots of good dances. It was better this week as it wasn't so hot. It was still warm.

The music was really good tonight thanks to Chris. It is always good when he DJs. I enjoy it when there is a good DJ. It makes the night better. Also the DJ has a following of people who come along because they like his or hers music. In this case people come dancing on a Monday at St Chads because they like Chris DJ-ing. There is also other reasons why they come but I am just interested in the DJ reason at the moment.

We also did the nu-line dance again. If you want to learn it here is the video from YouTube:

If you are planning on going to the weekenders this year Tim Sant who choreographed this is wanting us to do it at some point so look out for it.

I am looking forward to Wednesday night at Queen’s Hall in Leeds, 8pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chads in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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