Ceroc at Queens Hall Intermediate Routine 15/05/13

Tonight saw James Richardson as teacher, Jenny Adams as demo and back for this week only I think Al Griffin as DJ. There wasn't many here tonight but the intermediate people who did come did stay that bit longer which was good.

Here’s tonights intermediate routine:

I wasn't able to learn it as I was taxi-ing. It looks like a good routine. The beginners practice class was good. The men (leaders) had picked up this week beginners routine quite well. Something that beginners, and particularly those who come for the first time, need to know that it’s on till 11pm and they don’t realise that the class is that long. The best time for a first timer is the freestyle after the beginners practice class. It really helps them to dance with the other dancers and in particular intermediate dancers. Some of the beginners do leave before then.

Tonight class as a whole was ok. I got some really good dances. I had fun. 

The music was good. I loved the fact that there were more slow songs played this week. As there was a blues class tonight the music give those who did it a chance to practice what they learnt. 

I'm looking forward to Monday at St Chads in Leeds. Starts at 7:30pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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