Ceroc at Queens Hall Intermediate Routine 01/05/13

Tonight saw James Richardson as teacher special guest Jodie Adams as demo and Chris Baker as DJ.

Here is the intermediate routine:

This routine was really good thanks to James. I found as a lady (follow) that the men (lead) picked up the moves very well. I didn't find anything that the men (lead) struggled with. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Was nice to have Jodie Adams on stage tonight. If you did enjoy her here tonight Jodie teaches on a Tuesday at the Ritz Ballroom at Brighouse.

Tonight's class was really good. We had a few new beginners with the groupon offer. I had a good night. Got in some good dances. Was a great atmosphere tonight.

The music was really good thanks to Chris. He always seems to give a different feel every week with the music. It never seems to be a similar week to last week. I enjoy coming along and hearing the music. I also enjoy the teaching.

Something that has been discussed on Facebook with dancing is spacial awareness. How important is it? Who has the responsibility? Should teachers teach it in classes? What should you do when the other person has no spacial awareness?

I feel that you are responsible for what the other person can't see. You are the eyes in the back of their heads. It is very important in dance that I don't bang into other dancers. If I do then I apologise to them as it's an accident . With some of the moves especially the more complicated ones, the teacher should show how to avoid banging into other dancers. When doing moves that require more thought the men (leader) will forget about spacial awareness because they are concentrating on the move. I try to watch out for what's going on behind my dance partners back so they don't bang into others. If they are about to bang into someone I don't let them go backwards. I give them a look that says watch out your about to bang into them. What do you think? 

I'm looking forward to bank holiday Monday at St Chads in Leeds. Starts at 7:30pm. Yes it is on. Get down there if you want to dance.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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