Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 15/04/13

Tonight James Richardson was teaching, Suzanne Berson was demo and Chris Uren was DJ. Tonight was really good and warm.

For the beginner’s class I partnered up Chris or Christine as he likes to be called when he is learning the lady's part (follow). He's getting better at following. I can now lead him. He's not trying to lead which is good.

Here's the video of tonight's intermediate routine:

The teaching was really good thanks to James. I found that when doing the second move before doing the cleaver wiggle that I couldn't do it sometimes. I found that I was doing the end part of the first move the half nelson switch. Check out the video above the see what I mean. To stop this from happening lift both arms to do the cleaver wiggle. That's the difference. One you lift the left hand and the other you lift both. This may have been happening because the women (followers) had been learning the moves so found it easier to mix them up. Maybe in freestyle mixing up the moves will not be so easy. The other tricky part is doing the arm sway walk. The last move where the man (leader) moves the lady (follow) arm left to right as she walks forward. The leader must remember to walk backwards and move the follow’s arm left to right. I always find this hard to follow and any other similar moves where the legs cross like this.
Tonight wasn't as busy as it had been in previous weeks but wasn't too bad. There were lots of good dancers there. I felt the night was great and a bit warm.  With the doors open it created a good flow of air down that end of the room. It was like there was a fan on.

The music was really good thanks to Chris. For those of you who were there and did dance to it I requested Candyman. I love the challenge of dancing to very fast music. I find that I can keep up to the beat of the music. For those of you who don't know Candyman here's the video of the song from YouTube:

This song is fast and will make you out of breath. I like this song. I like requesting it as it is every modern jive DJ nightmare. No one likes to play this as it is really fast and probably gets some complains. This song sorts out the fit from the really fit.

I prefer the fast songs to get my heart pumping. I couldn't do a whole night of fast songs as I would soon run out of energy. I prefer the slower songs to do my own thing. What I mean by that is, I can wiggle, style and body roll.

What do you prefer, the slow songs or the fast songs?

I am looking forward to Wednesday night at Queen’s Hall in Leeds, 8pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chads in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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