Ceroc at Queen's Hall Intermediate Routine 17/04/13

Tonight saw James Richardson as teacher, Jenny Adams as demo and feeling better Chris Baker as DJ.

Here's the video of the intermediate routine:

This routine was really good thanks to James. The hard part is doing the last move, the man (lead) has to move round the lady (follow) and keep moving in the same direction.

The class as a whole was really good. It was really busy. The class lines went right up the room and you were starting to get squashed in. I had so much fun. I had some fantastic dances. It was a bit warm which didn't help but there were fans out. Could have done with a fan on at the back of the room.

The music was really good thanks to Chris. It was a good night because of the music. My favourite song of the night was You Got It by Lucas Grabeel. Here's the song from YouTube:

I like this song as it has a good beat to it. It is easy to dance to. I always want to get up and dance when I hear this. I can body roll and style the moves that the men do with me. Add my personal touch to this. What do you think?

I'm looking forward to Monday at St Chads in Leeds. Starts at 7:30pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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