Ceroc at Queen’s Hall Intermediate Routine 03/04/13

Tonight saw James Richardson teaching, Jenny Adams as demo and Chris Baker as DJ. I was Taxi-ing tonight.

Tonight’s routine was filmed by my dad, thanks dad and looks like this:

As I was taxi I didn't learn the moves. The beginners practice class went well. We had one guy who didn't get it when James and Jenny taught it but having me go through it with him helped. He seemed to pick it up when re-shown by me. The other guy seemed to pick it up very well. The guy that struggled with the class seemed to be enjoying it. I think he came with his girlfriend so he may be back next week. I’m hoping he comes back next week.

As there wasn't a class on Monday due to Easter, the class on a whole was really good. Some people who were there had come because there wasn't a class on Monday. There were a lot of people here. Was a good night and I had some good dances.

The music was really good tonight. I enjoyed the music. My favourite song tonight was Fire by Des'ree & Babyface. This is the song from YouTube:

This song is a good song because it’s slow but not too slow. Has a good beat to it. This song is good for people who are learning to Ceroc (modern jive) and also good for those who are going from beginners to intermediate because it gives the man (leader) a chance to do the moves that they learn in the class. I love this song as it gives me a chance to style. 

I'm looking forward to Monday at St Chads in Leeds.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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