Queen’s Hall Ceroc X Part 2 Routine 06/03/13

I had a great time tonight at Queen’s Hall. I got some great dances in with some great people.

Tonight we had the second part of the Ceroc X routine taught by James Richardson.

I learnt the first part last week as a leader (man). As I was ill last time it was taught two weeks ago at St Chads I never got the chance to do it. I found that the moves were really good and were easy to do. I kept forgetting to step forward before doing the cross steps. All eight moves together will form the basis of the moves for competing in the Ceroc X category at the London Champs on 5th May 2013.

The music played to go with the routine was a selection chosen by Ceroc. The tracks are Drive By – Train, Hollywood – Michael Buble, Cuba – Robert Abigail. Although something different could be played at the Champs. The only one that was played tonight was Drive By – Train and it was just the one time.

I did not think the music was as good as previous weeks. Not much newer music. It seemed to lack variety.  

Here's the demo by Tim Sant from YouTube.

Here’s the official breakdown by Tim Sant from YouTube.

See Queen’s Hall Ceroc X Part 1 for the first part of the routine. 

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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