Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 25/03/13

Tonight’s class was fun, funny and fabulous. James Richardson was teaching, Lisa Pang was demo and Chris Uren was DJ.

Tonight I had to lead Chris Uren to learn the ladies (follow) part. He likes to be called Christine when he is learning to follow. He knows what he is doing but needs to wait for me to lead him into it.

Tonight’s routine looked like this:

I did this routine as a man (lead). I found the hard part after doing the short neckbreak spin but before doing the seducer that the ladies were not traveling back the way they had come to be in a good position to be dipped. When you ladies are dipped, do not throw your head back or yourself into the man’s arms as the man then has all of your weight. Do support yourself as much as possible. Don’t forget men to ask before doing any type of dips and drops. I do know people who don’t like to do them.

The class as a whole was really good. I managed to get in some great dances. There were so many good dancers here tonight.

The teaching was really good and fun thanks to James Richardson. The banter between Chris Uren and James Richardson is so funny. They always seem to make me laugh.

The music was great as always thanks to Chris Uren. I found one song that sounded more like a club song than a jive song. 

My favourite song of the evening was 8-3-1 by Lisa Stansfield. Here is the song sung live, from YouTube:

This song to me has an uplifting beat. It always makes me want to get up and dance. I find this song has a good beat, not too fast but not too slow. It’s the same tempo throughout the song. It gives the men a chance to do some flashy moves and dips and drops.

I am looking forward to Wednesday night at Queen’s Hall in Leeds, 8pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chads in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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  1. Christine has to learn somehow!!! Yes ok I lead. Isnt that what all new ladies do at first.


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