Ceroc at St Chads Intermediate Routine 11/03/13

The night was really good with lots of good dances, great atmosphere and wonderful music. Thanks to James Richardson for teaching and Chris Uren for the music.

Here’s my video for the intermediate routine.

This routine was really good. I loved the cross step and the penguin move. The penguin move was where people struggled. Some couldn't make it fluid. Once the man steps in front of the lady you bring the lady in close and then rock round.

It was a fantastic night with lots of people. I had some good dances. The music was really good.

We had the first meeting for the competition group dance. We are hoping to compete at the Welsh Champs in Cardiff on the 8th September and Scottish Charity Champs in Edinburgh on the 1st November We just talked about how this will work. The two championships are looking forward to us going.

For more information on the Welsh Champs you can check them out on Facebook at Welsh Champs or online at http://www.welshchamps.com/index.php

For more information on the Scottish Champs check it out online at http://www.cerocscotland.com/scot.champs.

I am looking forward to Wednesday night at Queen’s Hall in Leeds, 8pm.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chads in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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Find me on Google+ at +Elizabeth McAndrew.
