Ceroc at Queen’s Hall Intermediate Routine 27/03/13

Tonight’s class was really good. James Richardson was teaching, me aka Elizabeth McAndrew was demo and Chris Baker was DJ. For those of you who don’t know who I am you do now.

Tonight’s routine looked like this:

As I was demo I didn't get a chance to see which parts the men (lead) were finding difficult. The hard part will be when doing the duck in freestyle. There are two ways in which you can get the lady (follow) to duck. One say duck therefore they have no option but to duck, two apply a bit of pressure to the lady’s shoulder. This signal is a bit harder for the ladies to follow if they don’t know it means duck. Don’t forget the raise your arm so the lady can duck.

The class as a whole was really good. I managed to get in some great dances. There were more there than previous weeks which was good. The atmosphere was really good. Chris decided to start the class earlier tonight and only mentioned it on Facebook. This was good because we managed to get in more dancing before people started to leave. The class stared at 8pm as opposed to starting at around 8:15pm last week.

The music was really good thanks to Chris Baker. Most of the music made me want to get up and dance.

My favourite song tonight was Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen by Janis Siegel. Here is the song from YouTube:

This song starts off at a good tempo then slows down before picking up and going really fast. This is good for musicality. The slow part is good for blues people as you can blues. The fast part is good for the dancers that can think fast. The fast part is not good for anything too fancy or too complicated and you must stay close to each other for it to work well. The fast part is always a challenge. Whoever I have can they keep up. So far I have not had anyone who couldn't keep up.

Looking forward to the Ceroc freestyle this Friday at the Riley Smith Hall, Tadcaster.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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