St Chad's Ceroc X Routine Part 2 18/02/13

I promised that I would bring you part 2 of the Ceroc X routine. Unfortunately I was ill. The video was filmed by Vicky Smith, thank you.

Tonight’s routine was part 2 of the routine for competing in the Ceroc X category at the Ceroc London Champs. See Ceroc X Part 1 for the first part of the routine. 

The ending to the routine seems fairly straight forward and should compliment the first 4 moves quite well. It will be interesting to see how people interpret it in different ways.

Part one will be taught at the Ritz Brighouse and Tadcaster Tuesday 19th Feb with part 2 the week after. Part one will start at Queens Hall Wednesday 27th Feb and be followed by part 2 the week after.

Here is the official demo done by Tim Sant.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Monday at St Chad's in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm

Check out for your local venue.

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