Queen’s Hall Ceroc X Part 1 Routine 27/02/13

Had a really good night at the Queens hall Ceroc in Leeds. There was a great group of people there with some fantastic music thanks to Chris Baker.

Tonight we had the first part of the Ceroc X routine taught by James Richardson.

I enjoyed doing this routine as I learnt it as a leader (man). I had already done these moves as a follower (woman) when it was taught at St Chads 2 weeks ago. Next week we will be doing the second part of the routine. James will also show how part one links to part two. All eight moves together will form the basis of the moves for competing in the Ceroc X category at the London Champs on 5th May 2013.

The music played to go with the routine was a selection chosen by Ceroc. The tracks are Drive By – Train, Hollywood – Michael Buble, Cuba – Robert Abigail. Although something different could be played at the Champs. I think Cuba – Robert Abigail might be Chris Baker’s new favourite song as he played it throughout the lesson. One of the songs he chose to play was 5,6,7,8 by steps? It was strange, but it worked.

Have you done the Ceroc X routine at your club yet? What did you think?

Here's the demo by Tim Sant from YouTube.

If you fancy coming down next week to learn Ceroc (modern jive) or just want to try somewhere new it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.

Check out ceroc.com for your local venue.

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