Juke Joint Freestyle 24/02/13

Juke Joint is a night run and DJ by Chris Uren at the Engine Shed on the last Sunday of the month. 7pm – 11pm. The music played is smooth, blues and RnB with the added flavour of request that are given via Juke Joint Event group page on Facebook.

So last night I went to Juke Joint for the second time. It had a good atmosphere. Chris and Rachel were very friendly and welcoming. The music was fantastic as always. My favorite song was played Booty Voodoo.

Sentimental by Gareth Gates was one I hadn't heard for a long time and I loved dancing to it.

The dancers were on top form tonight. I had some fantastic dances. One guy did dips and drops with me which I loved. As I knew lots of people I wasn't short of a dance.

Juke Joint motto is it’s all about the music.

If you fancy coming along or trying something new the next one is 31/03/13 at The Engine Shed, Wetherby on York Road. At 7pm.

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