Intermediate Routine 06/02/13

This was a great routine with a move that was taught at the weekender. The men seemed to pick it up pretty quick. On the last move at the point highlighted below the men must step from the ladies left hand side to the right by taking a big step in front of the lady.

This was the part that some of the men struggled with. Once they get the step in front of the lady the rest of the move was easier to do.

The class as a whole was a little bit disappointing because it lack a good atmosphere. To make the atmosphere better the people going could mix more i.e. the young ones like me dancing with the older people and not just dancing with the best ones there.

The teaching was great as always thanks to James Richardson. 

The music was not good this week. The music would have been better if the songs played were ones that were played at the Southport weekender. The music could have been a bit more exciting and make me want to get up and dance. 

If you fancy coming down next week it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.
