Intermediate Routine 04/02/13

Tonight routine was made up of moves that were taught at the weekender. This was a good routine. There was one part the men seemed to struggle with most was the ¾ turn they had to do where their arm goes behind themselves in a half nelson position. The bit that a few people struggled with is the body roll. These come with time and practice. Practice them at home if you want to be better.

I felt that Jonathon Gammon was thrown in at the deep end. Having been at the weekender didn't help him with this class as he was a bit tired. For his first time I think he did pretty well although he did need a little guidance from Chris Uren in the beginner’s class. Intermediate was good. As a whole it could have done with doing the moves to music a bit more so that we could get the feel for the beats especially for beginners.

The class as a whole was really good. I got in some good dances. I had just come back from the weekender at Southport so I was a little bit on the tired side. Out of those who went to the weekender only a small amount had come to the class. Those who didn't should have because you missed out big time. The atmosphere was good. People seemed to be having a good time. I enjoyed myself.

The music was great as always thanks to Chris Uren. This time it was varied as he played songs that were played at the weekender.

Looking forward to next week and to what is in store.

If you fancy coming down next week it’s Monday at St Chad’s in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm.
