Intermediate routine for 23/01/13

I loved this routine. Not too complicated but gives us something to think about. The archie spin is rolling off each other’s back and changing places. The video jumps a bit there. Sorry.

Tonight the class as a whole was busy. The snow didn't seem to put people off coming. It made me more determined to go as I hadn't been on Monday as canceled due to snow.  I did get some good dances with people. Quite a few were doing the routine in the freestyle as they really liked it. We did manage to do the line dance which was good. I now feel that it is getting a bit too easy for me to do. There is nothing exciting about doing the line dancing anymore. Most people did join in.The music (my opinion) was really good thanks to Jonathan Gammon as DJ. As usual people did start to leave early. I thought as a whole it was a good night. I’m looking forward to next week.

If you fancy coming down next week it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm. 
