Intermediate Routine 30/01/13

Tonight routine was videoed by my dad. I didn't get taught the routine as I had to do the taxi-ing. The routine looks good and I was shown by my dad what was taught. As I was doing it as a lady who didn't know what the guy was doing I found that the mambo part didn't have any clear indication when it ended. Make sure the lady is pushed back so she knows the mambo has stopped.

The class as a whole was really good. I had some good dances and one not so good. Tonight the taxi in the backroom was even. Same amount of women to men which was great as I got to go round the men and show them where they were going wrong. I found the men picked it up pretty well. Music was good thanks to Jonathon Gammon. Lots of people were buzzing about Southport weekender which is this weekend. I am looking forward to it so if you are going I will see you there. Come find me for a dance. I’m looking forward to next week and showing what I learnt at Southport.

If you fancy coming down next week it’s Wednesday at Queen’s Hall in Leeds on Harrogate Road. Starts at 8pm.
