Intermediate Routine 28/01/13

Tonight routine was a little bit hard to do. The last move where the man goes over his head and turns was the tricky bit. Most men couldn't seem to get it right. I found the lady had to be pulled forward first before the guy turns.

The class as a whole was great. I got some good dances. The music was fantastic as always courtesy of Mr Chris Uren. The atmosphere was great. Quite a few people were staying to the end. There seemed to be a bit of a buzz I don’t know if that is because Southport weekender is this weekend or because it wasn't on last week due to snow. It was in fact two weeks since it was last on.

If you are going to the Southport weekender I will see you there and it will be a fantastic weekend. If not check out my blog post on the freestyle for this weekend ( Whatever you are doing have a fantastic weekend and I will hopefully see you there next week if not too tired.  

If you fancy coming down next week it’s Monday at St Chad’s in Leeds on Otley Road. Starts at 7:30pm.
