Blush Southport Weekender

There is a dance weekender coming up (1st – 3rd February) where lots of people go for the weekend to dance. The dancing starts about 7pm on the Friday till the early hours of Monday morning about 6:30am. During the course of the weekend there is classes taught by some of the best teachers. There is blues, tango, west coast swing taught as well as Morden jive.

The first time I went to a dance weekender I had no clue on how good it would be. I never expected to be doing as much dancing as I did or to have as many people there as there was. For peoples first time it is something that can be advised on but until you have been you will never know just how good it is.

Things that I learnt from my first time:
  • ·         High heels are not good to wear for the classes as my feet just hurt.
  • ·         Get good sleep on the Friday and the Sunday and overdo it on the Saturday.
  • ·         Look after myself. There is nothing worse that pushing it when I know I can’t do it. I know it will be there tomorrow.
  • ·         Make a decision on the first class I want to do each day then it’s just option a or option b for the classes after the first one.
  • ·         If there is no class I want to do rest up or eat before the next one.
  • ·         It is Pontins so accommodation is bit rubbish but the event was great. Make sure I take everything I need.
  • ·         Shop runs out of supplies on Saturday so I make sure I take enough to last the weekend.  
I just love going to the weekenders as I have so much fun. I learn a lot too. Weekenders are where I learn the little things such as body movement and techniques. I learn that it is not just learning the moves but giving and receiving the right signal that makes people better at dancing.

I enjoy the classes more than the freestyle as I get the opportunity to talk to other dancers and find out who is good to ask later on in the freestyle. It also gives me the chance to see who I know that has come to the weekender. Sometimes I see people there that I haven’t seen in a long while.

When I have been to Blush Southport Weekender I will do a post on my experience. It will say how I found it and what was going on. Do look out for it.
