Freestyles Weekending 30/09/12

The freestyles and events happening for week ending 30/09/12

This weekend 28/09/10 – 01/10/12 is Southport weekender so don’t be worried if the freestyles are not well attended. I expect that most people may be at Southport. For more information on weekenders please see my post on weekenders.

For those of you who are lucky enough to go to the Southport weekender it will be a good one. I will be going so I will be seeing you there. DON’T FORGET when you get back that St Chad’s, Otley Road, Headingly, Leeds, LS16 5JT will be on 7:30pm – 10:30pm if you want to practice anything you learnt at Southport.

For those of you who are staying at home this weekend there will be some freestyles on. Ceroc Xtra was supposed to run a freestyle on Friday 28th September but have cancelled it due to Southport. DJ Gary B will be running a freestyle on that night instead. If you were planning to go the Ceroc Xtra one still go. Could be a good night, could not be.

On Saturday 29th September there is 3 freestyles on. At Leeds at Leeds Seventeen run by Harrogate Jive. At Rothwell at Blackburn hall run by Northern Jive. At Sheffield at Millennium Hall run by Jive Latino.

Nothing is happening on Sunday. Please don’t forget the classes that are run during the week. See my post Ceroc Xtra Dance classes and more improvement question 2.

Summary table of the freestyles this weekend:
Run by
Friday 28th September
Riley Smith Hall
DJ Gary B

Saturday 29th September
Leeds Seventeen
Harrogate/Leeds Jive
Blackburn Hall
Northern Jive Wakefield & Leeds
Millennium Hall
Jive Latino

Whatever you do this weekend I hope you all have a good one and I will see you at a class / freestyle sometime soon.
